Application for registration with UKBHC can be made via the on-line registration form which is available on the UKBHC website. Alternatively a hard copy of the form can be returned if this is easier for the applicant.
Once the Application form has been received (along with relevant supporting information) the application will be considered by the Registrar, who will make a determination in light of the published registration criteria
From time to time the Registrar may seek advice from the Academic Referee in respect of the equivalency of academic qualifications before reaching a decision about the appropriate response to the applicant.
Once the Registrar has made their decision, this decision will be communicated to the applicant either:
Directly by the Registrar or via the UKBHC administrator
A ‘Decision Notice’ will normally be communicated within ten (10) working days of the decision being made.
Resolving your Appeal.
Sometimes appeals can be resolved without the need to convene a hearing. For example, when a person has been granted registration but in the wrong category. If you provide new information, or clarification of information previously submitted we will carefully consider it, taking into account the original reasons given by the registrar and the criteria for registration current at the time.
Appealing the decision following refusal of Registration
If your application is refused the reasons for this will be communicated to you in the decision notice, and we will also advise you that you have 28 days to appeal the Registrar’s decision. We will include an indication of the latest date by which a written appeal must have been received. UKBCH will acknowledge the appeal and provide advice and information regarding next steps.
Appeals will normally be considered within 3-6 months[1] by an appeals panel comprising
1 x Director (Convenor and Chair)
1x Lay Director1x Board registered Chaplain (who may be drawn from amongst the Appointment Advisors)
This panel will be convened by a Chaplain Director of UKBHC, who will be the chair of the panel.
If it is proving difficult to convene a panel then, with the agreement of the person making the appeal the case can be brought to the next full meeting of the UKBHC Board for consideration.
Communicating the outcome of the appeal.
Once an appeal has been heard, either by the panel or at the Full Board we will write to you to notify you of the decision within ten (10) days, providing a final ‘Decision Notice.’
[1] The speed at which appeals can be heard may be determined by a number of factors, including any additional information which may be required, the availability of the hearing panel and the availability of the person making the appeal.