Duty of Candour

Further Information Regarding the Suspension or Removal of Registered or Member Chaplains/Spiritual Care Professionals

If a Board Registered Chaplain/UKBHC member has been disciplined, suspended or removed, that designation will be shown beside the chaplain’s/spiritual care professional’s name together with the date of same. If you wish to know the reason and date of suspension or removal of a board registered chaplain/UKBHC member please contact the Registrar while our website while our website infrastructure is being up-dated.

Our Commitment to Public Safety: Transparency of Professional Misconduct of a Chaplain or Spiritual Care Professional

Why Read this Section? This is where you will find details of sanctions placed against registered or member healthcare chaplains/spiritual care professionals working in a healthcare setting.

Who should read this? Chaplains/spiritual care professionals, employers or members of the public who want to understand sanctions taken against chaplains/spiritual care professionals subject to upheld misconduct allegations, whether in full or in part.

The UKBHC as the Professional Standards Authority for healthcare Chaplaincy in the United Kingdom holds public safety and transparency of the conduct of its members as priority. 

We can take action to make sure we maintain the confidence in healthcare chaplains/spiritual care professionals in healthcare settings. This is for the sole protection of patients in our care and the duty of candour we have as a Professional Standards Authority.

In cases where action taken against a UKBHC registrant/member is upheld in part or in full, changes in membership, e.g. suspension or removal, will be visible on the Register

Further details of suspensions or removals from the Register due to allegations of misconduct will be published for public safety under the section Notices.

Should any of our registrants/members be subject to disciplinary action where allegations made are upheld in part or in full, appropriate details will be found under the Notices section. 


NB: The UKBHC website is undergoing a process of re-development. During this period, if you have a query regarding the suspension or removal of a Board registered or member chaplain/spiritual care professional, please e-mail the UKBHC Registrar for further details. These will be provided upon written request to registrar@ukbhc.org.uk