Professional Associations

UKBHC exists to support the work of the four professional chaplaincy bodies in the UK, the Scottish Professional Leadership Group for Spiritual Care (SPLG), and the Welsh Chaplaincy Forum (WCF).

The board was formed through a Memorandum of Understanding which gave the Board powers to pursue the objects contained in its Standing Orders and in particular to work towards professional registration of Healthcare Chaplaincy.  The four professional bodies are as follows:

The Association of Chaplaincy in General Practice Primary Care Chaplaincy, is a body in the UK which complements the care given to patients and can reduce the demand on other services.  The ACGP exists to:

  • Define and raise awareness of best practice in Primary Care Chaplaincy.
  • Enable the development of Chaplaincy in General Practice for the wellbeing of the public through providing advice, training, resources and research.
  • Support those involved with GP Chaplaincy.

For further information and links go to the ACGP web-site.

The Association of Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplains
is the UK body which exists to promote good standards among chaplains/spiritual care professionals involved in the pastoral and spiritual care of people facing death from a life threatening illness, as they seek to:

  • Assess and address complex spiritual and religious needs
  • Discern and respond to the cultural, spiritual and religious needs, traditions and practices of all, including those of no faith
  • Ensure that all spiritual and religious care is person led

In so doing, the AHPCC:

  • Identifies and promotes good practice in religious and spiritual care
  • Is an agent of professional development
  • Provides professional support and fellowship
  • Promotes links with the constituency of palliative care and relevant church bodies and faith communities

For further information and links go to the AHPCC website.

The College of Health Care Chaplains is a multi-faith, interdenominational, professional organisation, which is open to all recognised healthcare chaplaincy staff, both paid and voluntary, and to those with an interest in healthcare chaplaincy.  It is the largest professional membership body for chaplains in the UK.  The College exists to promote the professional standing of healthcare chaplaincy and that of its members both nationally and within health and social care organisations;

  • By supporting members in their individual professional roles and aspirations
  • By representing chaplaincy in the wider context to employers and others

Most of this work relates to chaplains working in the NHS, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but the wider membership includes those working in hospices and the voluntary and private sectors, and those with an interest in UK health care chaplaincy, whether or not they are based in the UK.

For further information and links go to the CHCC website.

The Northern Ireland Healthcare Chaplains Association is the representative and consultative body for healthcare chaplains/spiritual care professionals in Northern Ireland. The values it promotes are:

  • The dignity and worth of all
  • Faith as an essential dimension of wholeness
  • Spiritual care of persons, communities, organisations and systems
  • Inclusivity and diversity
  • Justice and equality
  • Professional competency and ethical practice.

The aims of NIHCA are:

  • To support healthcare chaplains to carry out their responsibilities
  • To provide a forum for sharing opinions and increasing knowledge
  • To keep up to date with best practice and disseminate this information to chaplains
  • To facilitate and provide appropriate training and encourage appropriate professional and vocational development
  • To encourage theological and pastoral reflection
  • To establish and promote good working relationships with religious and other organisations involved with healthcare

For further information and links go to the NIHCA website.

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Articles of Association and Standing Orders

On 11th September 2015 The UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy was registered with Companies house as UKBHC Ltd,  a Private Company Limited by Guarantee.  The Articles of Association detail the format of the company and the Board has published Standing Orders (2015) that outline the workings of the Board.  The Standing Orders are available to download below.

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UKBHC Limited Standing Orders September 2024

Being a Chaplain/Spiritual Care Professional

Chaplains/Spiritual Care Professionals have been caring for patients and staff in UK hospitals for over a thousand years. Today the chaplain/spiritual care professional is looked to as a professional figure…

Board Members

The board is made up as follows: The Board may also co-opt up to four non-voting members. The UKBHC Recruitment policy can be accessed here. Profiles for some board members…


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